Registration Closed for the Opening Event

The opening $5,300 Single Day NLH Event attracted a field of 77 entries for a prize pool of $385,000 and the top ten spots are paid. A min-cash is worth $7,000 and the winner will take home the Jin Bei Cup trophy in local Khmer style along with the top prize of $131,000.
Tom Dwan entered the competition just before the end of the late registration and Quan Zhou avoided a re-entry over table three in spectacular fashion. He first quadrupled up his micro stack with Q?3? when flopping two pair.
Jacson Feng won the side pot with J?J? versus A?Q? and 9?9? only to then lose a three-way all-in with A?K? versus 5?5? and Q?Q?. The roller coaster runout brought top pair and two sets on 10?9?5?A?Q?. Zhou then tripled up in the last hand possible with A?2? when he turned the nut flush on a K?7?2?Q?Q? runout to save $5,300.
Once the late registration had closed in the rapid 20-minute level affair, only around 45 players remained and that number will certainly be culled down significantly by the time the dinner break awaits at the end of level 12.