Day 1 Concludes

To start the day, 219 runners filed into their seats, led by a number of notable pros. PokerStars' own Humberto Brenes, Victor Ramdin, Andre Akkari, Alexandre Gomes, and Maria Mayrinck were all in attendance, but none of them survived to play tomorrow. Among the other big names who failed to escape the first day were Edward Sabat, Liv Boeree, David Plastik, Stephen Chidwick, and Alex Brenes. In fact, all but 38 of the initial entrants have seen their all-ins end up putting them all out today. Full end-of-day tallies will be posted in the "Chip Counts" tab as soon as they are made available to us later tonight.
As the chips are bagged up, it's Rob Woodcock who takes the overnight lead, dumping 181,300 chips into his barely-big-enough thick plastic bag. Hot on his heels is Ryan Fee, who was sitting directly to Woodcock's right. Fee bagged 114,000 chips, and was over the 100-big-blind mark from Level 4 onward.
Play resumes with the remaining 38 players tomorrow at high noon local time. We look forward to seeing you right back here as we whittle our way down to the final table. Thank you for following along with us today, and we hope you'll be back tomorrow for Day 2!