Maridu Gives Us the Scoop on Kruel

Maria "Maridu" Mayrinck is always so helpful out on the floor with filling us in on information that we may have missed. She's especially good at this when helping out us American bloggers on the Brazilian tournament floor.
She just called us over to be sure to tell us about Christian Kruel's day so far. She mentioned that he was on the wrong end of some hands early, including his being flushed out by
after he flopped two pair. He got all the way down to about 7,000 in chips before the last break, but has come back in a hurry to about 29,000.
First, Maridu told us that Kruel stacked a player holding on the flop of
. Kruel held the nuts with the two case sixes in his hand for quads. "He flopped quads, not turn or river, he flopped them!" Maridu made sure to emphasize. "Then, he had set over set where he stacked someone else," she added.
According to Maridu, Kruel was the first really big Brazilian player who taught a lot of the newer pros their game and gave them the skills to become big-time players.