Lone Star Poker Series Champions Social

Lone Star Poker Series Day 8
Day: 1

Clogston Calls Whole Board

Level 20 (50,000/100,000/100,000)

Don Iyengar was all in with the {a-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} against the {j-Spades}{j-Hearts} of Troy Clogston.

Clogston called for a 8-9-10 rainbow flop and sure enough the {8-Spades}{9-Hearts}{10-Clubs} came down.

Clogston called for the {4-Spades} on the river and lo and behold the dealer procured the {4-Spades} on the turn.

At this point the table was reacting wildly to Clogston's wild ability to call the board. And asked him what was coming next. With no hesitation he said the {2-Hearts}.

The river came the {2-Hearts} and the room erupted in disbelief, everyone saying they had never see the entire board called before. Iyengar was eliminated amongst the commotion.

Player Chips Progress
Troy Clogston us
Troy Clogston
Don Iyengar us
Don Iyengar