Three Double-Ups

Michele Tocci shoved from the early position for 22,000 and was called by both Andrea De Silvestre on the button and Sergio Benso in the big blind.
Benso and De Silvestre both checked through the whole board.
Michele Tocci:
Andrea De Silvestre:
Sergio Benso:
Tocci tripled up.
On Table #9, the board read and Daniele Degennaro had shoved from the big blind for 137,000 and was called by Michal Janczarski on the button with
for the straight but Degennaro had
for the full house to double up with.
On Table #11, Thomas Noske had shoved for 22,000 from the early position and was called by Mark Vella in the small blind.
Thomas Noske:
Mark Vella:
The flop came which kept Noske ahead. The turn was the
to give Vella a pair of tens. The river completed the board with the
for Noske to double up.