DeBora's Rough Start

Action folded to Romulus Segal and he limped in from the cutoff seat. Team PokerStars Pro Canada member Greg DeBora limped from the cutoff seat and then Ronnie Bardah completed from the small blind. Jim Meehan checked after weighing his options in the big blind.
The flop came down and Bardah checked. Meehan bet out 1,900 and Segal called. DeBora then put in a raise to 5,500. Bardah mucked and Meehan followed suit. Segal took some time with his decision and then moved all in, putting the pressure on DeBora. The Canadian pro thought for a little bit and then tossed his hand away.
A few hands later, Segal raised from early position to 3,800. DeBora flat-called in the next seat before action fell on Ryan Schmidt. He three-bet to 13,000. Everyone folded including Segal and action fell back on DeBora. The Team PokerStars Canada pro thought for several minutes and then fired back with a raise to 38,800. Schmidt called and was all in for 31,200.
The board ran out and DeBora lost the pot. He began the day with 66,700, but has about a third of that left with 22,000. Not the start DeBora was looking for.