Kenny Re-Takes the Lead

Vincent Rubianes raised to 110,000, and Tyler Kenney called next door to go heads up the rest of the way.
The flop came
, and Rubianes continued out with another 135,000, and Kenney stuck in a raise to 310,000 total. Rubianes paid off the bet to see another card, and the
appeared on the turn. Check to the raiser, and Kenney fired another bullet worth 435,000 chips. Rubianes stacked up the call and plunked it into the pot after a couple minutes of consideration.
The river was the , and Rubianes knocked the table again. Kenney took pause for a couple minute before reaching for chips one last time. He made a bet that went unannounced, and Rubianes' cards quickly hit the muck.
Kenney took a couple hands off from being chip leader, but he's back in the top spot once again with 3.41 million.