Rheem Remembers, or Does He?

Chino Rheem just looked at Dave Colclough and said, "Dave, I don't know if you remember this or not, but this first tournament I ever one, I beat you. It was a �300 buy-in side event in Monte Carlo the first year they had the EPT in Monte Carlo and it was a rebuy event."
Colclough looked at him and said he didn't remember ever coming in second place in a tournament in Monte Carlo, which led us to do some digging.
We found the tournament Rheem spoke of. Here were the results we found:
1st: 'Burnley' John Falconer - �24,140
2nd: Michael Westerlund - �12,050
3rd: David 'Chino' Rheem - �7,610
4th: Chuc Hoang - �5,700
5th: Kristian Hansen - �4,120
6th: Stefan Reitersberger - �3,170
7th: Robert Ford - �2,530
8th: Dave Colclough - �2,220
9th: Mrs. Goldman - �1,900
We checked with a reputable source, but there is a chance the results may be wrong. We also know there's a chance Rheem may have had too many glasses of wine at dinner. Rheem also may be playing some mind games with Colclough. Anyway, it makes for good table talk.