Hands #4-10: Titov Shoves; Two More Pots for Aldemir

Hand #4: Adrian Mateos with just one card showing, the , opened from early position with a raise to 80,000 action folded around to Oleg Titov in the cutoff holding
, and he three-bet, making it 260,000. Action folded back to Mateos.
"Are you bluffing me?" he asked Titov before folding. "Big fold. I folded a pair."
Titov took down the pot and told Mateos he could see the hand later for free on the stream.
Hand #5: From under the gun Patryk Pterek opened with a raise to 85,000 holding . Just two seats over, Adrian Mateos called holding
. Everyone folded brining the two heads up to the flop.
The flop came down and Poterek checked over to Mateos who put out a bet of 85,000 and Poterek folded, allowing Mateos to take down the pot.
Hand #6: Action folded around to the hijack seat where Christian Rudolph opened with a raise to 85,000 holding . Both blinds folded and Rudolph took down the pot.
Hand #7: Koray Aldemir opened from the hijack with a raise to 85,000 holding . From the big blind, Adalfer Morales Gamarra called the raise holding
The flop came down and Gamarra checked. Aldemir bet 80,00 which prompted a fold from Gamarra.
Hand #8: Aldemir opened again, this time from early position with a raise to 85,000 holding . Gamarra called from the small blind holding
and Mateos called from the big blind holding
The flop came down and Gamarra and Mateos both checked to Aldemir who checked behind. The turn was the
and this time Gamarra checked again. Mateos checked as well. Aldemir decided to bet, making it 160,000. Both Gamarra and Mateos folded and that allowed Aldemir to take down the pot.
Hand 9: Christian Rudolph raised to 85,000 with the under the gun and Shawn Buchanan, who had the same hand with the
, called from middle position. Patryk Poterek then called from the hijack with the
and Adalfer Morales Gamarra came along from the cutoff with the
That made it four-way action to the flop, which came down . Thre checks put action on Gamarra, and he bet 185,000. The bet worked as one by one his opponents all folded.
Hand 10: Poterek opened for 85,000 from middle position with the and Rudolph defended his big blind with the
. The
flop saw Rudolph checked and Poterek continued for 75,000. Rudolph fol