Hands 23-26: Kane and Capps Chop One

Hand #23: Eric Ethans raised to 140,000 from the button with and Nick Aquilera looked down on
in the small blind. Aquilera called and these two players went heads up to the flop.
The flop brought out and Aquilera checked to Ethans who looked over at the stack of his opponent before double checking his own hand. Ethans checked behind, and on the turn the
hit. Aquilera checked again, and now Ethans fired out 160,000. Aquilera went into the tank before eventually folding.
Hand #24: Mike Murphy raised to 125,000 under the gun with and he won the pot after Kristin Kane folded
in the big blind.
Hand #25: The action folded to Jesse Capps and he raised from the button with to 85,000. Kristin Kane shoved from the small blind with
for 270,000 and Capps called the little bit extra in order to create the following showdown.
The board ran out and the pot was chopped on the river.
Hand #26: The action folded to Michael Murphy in the small blind, and he opted to give a walk to Eric Ethans.