Gillon Five-Bet Bluffs

Every now and then, poker players pull a bit of magic out of the bag and show why many people love this game and the fact you can win without needing strong holdings.
Colin Gillon raised under the gun and the action passed to Foeke Deinum on the button who three-bet to 6,500. Next to act was Annar Bjorsmo who cold four-bet to 13,200 from the small blind. The big blind, unsurprisingly, stepped out of the way, but Gillon wasn't ready to lay down yet and stuck in a five-bet to 24,600.
Deinum gave a little speech before folding and Bjorsmo went into the tank for almost three minutes before following in Deinum's footsteps and letting his hand go. He probably wishes he hadn't because Gillon revealed his hand as he collected the pot. It wasn't aces. It wasn't kings but the lowly , much to the delight of the rest of the table, Bjorsmo aside.