2016 Playground Poker Club World Cup of Cards

PL Omaha Freeze
Day: 1
Event Info

2016 Playground Poker Club World Cup of Cards

Final Results
Winning Hand
5,100 CAD
Event Info
200 CAD
Prize Pool
6,000 CAD

PL Omaha Freeze

Day 1 Completed

Dave S. Wins Event #3: $220 Pot-Limit Omaha (CAD $4,532)

Dave S's Winning Hand, Hat, and Trophy
Dave S's Winning Hand, Hat, and Trophy

Dave S bested a field of 78 players to win Event #3: CAD $220 Pot-Limit Omaha and took home CAD $4,532 as part of a deal me made with second place finisher, Steve Daraiche.

As soon as the tournament got to heads up play, the two paused the clock and decided to split $4,000 and play for CAD $532 and the trophy. When play resumed, it took only about 15 minutes for Dave S. to win the tournament.

Daraiche led into Dave S. for 100,000, leaving only about 160,000 behind and Dave S. raised the pot, putting Daraiche at risk. Daraiche folded and was left short going into the final hand. The two players saw the {a-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{2-Clubs} flop and checked. The turn was the {2-Diamonds} and Daraiche went all in for his remaining 75,000. Dave S. called with {j-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{7-Hearts}, for a pair of sevens with a club flush draw.

Daraiche held a better flush draw with {q-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}. The river was the {k-Hearts} and both players bricked their flush draws, but Dave S. won with a better two pair, thanks to the seven in his hand.

Dave S. didn't want to be photographed for the winner photo, so instead his hat, trophy, and chip stack got all the glory.

Player Chips Progress
David S
David S
Steve Daraiche
Steve Daraiche

Tags: Dave S.Steve Daraiche

Heads-Up Deal is Made

Just as Terry Forestell was walking away from the table, Steve Daraiche asked for the tournament clock to be paused so he and his friend, David S could discuss a deal.

Both men agreed to an even chop of $4,000 and leave $532 and the Event #3 Champion's trophy up for grabs.

Player Chips Progress
Steve Daraiche
Steve Daraiche
David S
David S

Tim Bittner Eliminated in 5th Place ($1,100)

Tim Bittner was down to 5bb when he bet the pot after a utg limp from Steve Daraiche, who made the call. The rest of the chips went in on the {10-Spades}{k-Spades}{k-Diamonds} flop as Tim had less than one big blind behind.

Bittner: {a-Spades}{a-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}
Daraiche: {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{5-Hearts}

Tim had the lead on the flop with his aces-up, however Steve binked a straight on the turn with the {q-Hearts} and faded the {8-Diamonds} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Steve Daraiche
Steve Daraiche
Tim Bittner
Tim Bittner

Goran Brestovac Eliminated in 6th Place ($800)

Steve Daraiche continues to bulldoze this final table as he just took out a third player of the 4 eliminations so far. Goran moved all-in from under the gun with 45,000, and was called only by Steve in the small blind.

Goran: {a-Spades}{k-Spades}{j-Hearts}{q-Clubs}
Steve: {9-Spades}{8-Spades}{8-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}

Steve flopped a set on the {8-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{2-Hearts} board and added a few more chips to his very healthy stack.

Player Chips Progress
Steve Daraiche
Steve Daraiche
Goran Brestovac
Goran Brestovac