Top Pair for Calcagno

Hand #228: A walk for Maccini in the big blind and he showed pocket aces.
Hand #229: unknown action.
Hand #230: Calcagno limped in, Maccini checked and they saw the flop of ?
. Maccini check-called a bet of 10,000 and did so again after the
turn for 20,000. The
appeared on the river and Maccini checked for the third time. Calcagno bet 50,000 and revealed
as winning hand after the call of his opponent.
Hand #231: After a limped pot the ?
flop was checked through, Calcagno check-folded the
turn after a 13,000 bet of Maccini.
Hand #232: Yet another walk for Maccini in the big blind.
Hand #233: Maccini raised to 20,000 and won the pot.
Hand #234: Calcagno made it 20,000 and Maccini mucked.
Hand #235: Maccini raised to 20,000 and Calcagno called to see the ?
flop. Maccini bet 10,000 and was called before they checked the
on the turn. The
river completed the board and Calcagno won the pot with a bet of 30,000.