Hand 25 - 28: Cold Four Bet by Nanos

Level 25
: 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante
Hand 25: Konstantinos Nanos raised to 65,000 and picked up the blinds and antes.
Hand 26: Vladimir Krastev opened for 65,000 and Thomas Bichon made it 165,000. Konstantinos Nanos cold four bet to 395,000 and both Krastev and Bichon folded.
Hand 27: Thomas Bichon made it 60,000 and everyone folded.
Hand 28: Vladimir Krastev opened for 75,000 from the small blind. Thomas Bichon in the big blind made the call.
The flop came and Krastev continued for 55,000. Bichon made the call in position.
The fell on the turn and both players checked.
on the river and Krastev bet 250.000. Bichon folded.