Hand 52 - 54: Three Bet on the Turn by Nanos

Hand 52: Vladimir Krastev opened the button for 100,000 and Konstantinos Nanos called.
Nanos check called a bet of 150,000 on and check called another 230,000 on the
The river was the and both players checked.
Nanos showed he had missed with his , Krastev took it down with his
Hand 53: Nanos opened the button for 90,000 and Krastev made the call.
The flop came and Krastev check folded to Nanos' 125,000 continuation bet.
Hand 54: Vladimir Krastev opened the button for 100,000 and Konstantinos Nanos three bet to 250,000, Krastev made the call.
The flop came and both players checked.
The made for some more action. Nanos bet out 190,000 and Krastev raised to 425,000. Nanos responded by three betting to 890,000 and Krastev instantly folded.