Eric Haber has the button.
Eric Haber limps in. Dan Hicks raises to 180,000. Haber calls. The flop is . Hicks checks. Haber bets 300,000. Hicks goes all in! Haber calls. Hicks has to for Haber. The turn is and the river is . Eric Haber doubles up and Dan Hicks is crippled.
Dan Hicks has the button.
Dan Hicks limps in and Eric Haber checks. The flop is . Both check. The turn is . Haber checks. Hicks checks. The river is . Haber checks. Hicks checks. for Hicks, and his eight kicker wins over for Haber.
Eric Haber has the button.
He limps in and Dan Hicks checks. The flop is . Both check. Turn is . Haber's bet is 200,000 and there is a call. The river is and Haber checks. Hicks checks. for Hicks to for Haber. Hicks takes it.