Dave Cubeta Eliminated in 5th Place ($29,685)

It's a good day to be Matthew Waxman. He's just found aces for the second time this orbit, and he's used them to tally his second consecutive knockout. Here's how it went down:
Chris Bonita was the first raiser, opening a can of worms as he made it 95,000 to play from under the gun. Mark Sykes three-bet to 205,000 from the cutoff seat, but there was plenty more action to come. In the small blind, Matthew Waxman four-bet to 400,000, and Dave Cubeta called all in for exactly that much in the big blind. That cleared Bonita and Sykes out of the way, and Cubeta was heads up and at risk. And in bad shape:
There was no funny stuff on the
board, and Cubeta has been eliminated. He'll cash a check for close to 30,000 greenbacks, while Waxman has his sights set on gold. His count of 3.26 million gives him a 2:1 lead over second place.