Folding with a Sigh

With John raising it up preflop, Triner reraising and John making the call, the pot had grown to a substantial size that both players knew could lead to a result - it was etched in their faces as their eyes remained fixated on the center of the felt where the flop would land.
On the 3-5-3 flop, Triner glanced at the flop, then at John's stack, before peering back at the flop. "All in" he announced under his breath.
As soon as the declaration had been made, John's body relaxed and she sat back in her chair with a deep sigh, the all-in move clearly not what she wanted to hear.
After twitching her neck back and forth, scratching her chin and huffing and puffing under the weight of her decision, she eventually sighed deeply and folded her cards.
The pot went to Triner, albeit reluctantly, but John remains well in touch with just over 100,000 in chips.