Vanessa Selbst raised to 29,000 in the cutoff, Thom Schultz called from the small blind, and Jamie Pickering also called from the big blind. The flop came . Pickering grabbed some orange 5,000 chips, riffled them a bit, then checked. Selbst fired 75,000 into the middle.
Schultz thought a bit and folded, as did Pickering. Selbst showed her Q-Q-x-x to the table, and dragged the pot.
We'll get an exact count for you at the next break, but it appears she has something close to two-thirds of the 2.27 million chips in play.
Vanessa Selbst has just lost three small pots in a row. Firstly she got check-raised off of a flop by Eugene Todd. Next up, she folded after getting reraised out of the big blind by Thom Schultz. In the third hand she folded to Jamie Pickering's river bet after they had checked it down to that point .
Craig Natte
Vanessa Selbst raised to 29,000 from middle position, Craig Natte reraised from the cutoff, putting himself all in, and Selbst made the call.
"You always have aces," exclaimed Natte. "I wanted to see kings!" said Selbst.
The board ran out , and Selbst's aces held up. She is up over 1.5 million now.
Mel Randolph
The hand that caused the damage for Mel Randolph was a blind battle with Eugene Todd. They both saw a limped flop before all the chips went in.
Randolph showed for two pair.
Todd showed for a set.
The turn and river changed nothing and Rudolph lost the pot and was left crippled with just 12,000 chips.
He called all in from the small blind in the very next hand after a Thom Schultz raise but was unable to win the hand. He shakes hands with everyone and leaves us in seventh place.
Just after Jamie Pickering knocked out Jamie Robbins, he won another big pot in a hand with Stanley Statkiewicz.
Pickering raised to 35,000 from middle position and it folded back around to Statkiewicz. He asked for a count of Pickering's chips. Pickering had 247,000 behind (a bit under what Statkiewicz had). "I need guts," said Statkiewicz as he continued to think. He finally made the call.
The flop came , and Pickering quickly bet 90,000. Statkiewicz called. Both checked the on the turn. They both checked the river as well.
Pickering showed A-A-10-2 for aces and fives. After studying his hand for a bit, Statkiewicz folded. Pickering is now up to 400,000, while Statkiewicz has fallen back to 160,000.
Jamie Robbins
Thom Schultz limps in from early position as does Jamie Pickering in the very next seat before Jamie Robbins moves all in from the small blind for 48,000. Schultz folds before Pickering tanks for a while, fiddling with his chips. He makes the call, though, so the cards are on their backs.
Robbins tables
Pickering tables
All the way to the river
Pickering knocks out Robbins and we are down to seven players.