Sung Squeezes the Wrong Cards

Nick Schulman was all in on fourth street. The action included three other players, Tom "durrrr" Dwan, Gus Hansen, and Steve Sung.
Schulman: x-x-

Dwan: x-x-

Hansen: x-x-

Sung: x-x-

On sixth street, the action got capped around the table by the three remaining players in the hand. After the players receievd their last cards, Dwan checked and Hansen bet out. Sung only had two bets left and tossed them in the middle. Dwan folded and Hansen called.
Sung said, "Do you have a full house?"
Hansen, "No, I only have the obvious two pair."
Sung replied, "Well, I have a flush."
Sung then turned over his hand that was

Hansen displayed

Schulman chopped the pot in half as he captured the low with

Sung was eliminated due to his mistake.