Tough Break for Phillips

Action proceeded past Phillips with folds all the way to Jeff Duvall, who raised his button to 150,000. That raise folded both blinds. Duvall, not realizing that Phillips had limped into the pot, then mucked his hand with action still pending on Phillips.
Phillips couldn't believe his bad luck. Why bad luck, you ask? Only because he had been dealt

The tournament had to be put on a five-minute pause to summon tournament director Jack Effel (who was out of the room) so that Effel could make a decision whether Duvall should have to forfeit all 150,000 chips or only the 50,000 that matched Phillips' original call. After Effel arrived and listened to a report of the action, he told Duvall that, by TDA Rules, if a dealer had killed Duvall's inadvertently, Duvall would be entitled to 100,000 chips back. But because Duvall had mucked his own hand, he had to forfeit all the chips in the pot if Phillips wanted to call. Phillips obviously did.