Froehlich Withers, Flowers Blooming

We picked up the flop of
as Justin Smith and Randall Flowers checked. Dwyte Pilgrim fired out 1,200 chips, Eric Froehlich called from the button, and Smith called from the small blind. When it came back to Flowers, he snuck in a check-raise to 5,450 and Pilgrim quickly folded. Froehlich, however, reraised all in to 17,000 straight. Smith folded, and Flowers called to put Froehlich at risk.
E-Fro was on the draw, and the on the turn gave him another nine outs to the flush. The river was a big blank
, though, and Froehlich was unable to connect with his outs. He's out of chips as a result, and that pot moves Flowers up to about 45,000.