Matthew Wheat Eliminated in 9th Place ($65,568)

Action folded to Matthew Wheat on the button. He raised to 100,000. Trevor Uyesugi was in the big blind and made the call.
The two players saw a flop come and Uyesugi checked to the preflop aggressor. Wheat fired a pot-sized bet of 220,000. Uyesugi raised and Wheat made the call for all of his chips.
Uyesugi held the , having flopped top set with a flush draw. Wheat held the
for top pair, a gutshot straight draw and a worse diamond draw.
The turn brought the and the river the
. Uyesugi's trip queens held up as the best hand and Wheat was eliminated in ninth place. He took home over $65,000 in prize money for his finish.