Pescatori No Fish
We missed the action on third street, joining the Max Pescatori, Andrew Brown, and a third player in the pot.
Pescatori: (x-x) / / (x)
Brown: (x-x) / / (x)
Player 3: (x-x) / / (x)
Brown led the betting on fourth, and Player 3 called. Pescatori raised, and both opponent's put in the extra bet. Player 3 made a comment about not wanting to be strung along in Razz, but he came along the rest of the way, anyhow. On fifth street, Pescatori bet to put himself all in for 3,400, and both opponents called. On seventh, Brown squeezed his card and bet, and Player 3 finally ducked out.
Brown announced his seven, showing () /
. It was no good as Pescatori tabled (
) /
for the eighty-five. That's good for a big pot to Pescatori, and he moves all the way back to 61,000 thanks to that. Brown is left with just 7,000 lonely chips now.