Brunson Short
Opponent - (x) (x) / / (x)
Todd Brunson - (x) (x) / / (x)
Ali Eslami - (x) (x) / / (x)
An opponent completed showing the , and both Brunson (
) and Eslami (
) called. Fourth street gave Brunson the
, and he bet. Eslami raised with the
, the third player called with the
, and Brunson put in a third bet. Both players called.
Eslami was dealt the on fifth and led out. The third player called, Todd Brunson raised, Eslami put in a third bet, and both players called. Both Brunson (
) and Eslami (
) checked after sixth street, and the third opponent bet (
). Brunson and Eslami called.
All three players checked after seventh street, and the third player opened up for the wheel, shipping the pot. Brunson is left with just 1,900 chips while Eslami is still healthy with 9,500.