Third Draw Saves Wilkinson

Level 11
2-7 Triple Draw
Jennifer Harman raised from the hijack seat, Lamar Wilkinson reraised with the 11,400 he had left from the small blind, and both Jason Lester (big blind) and Harman called.
On the first draw, Wilkinson and Lester each drew two cards while Harman took one. Lester checked, Harman bet, and Lester called. On each of the next two draws, Wilkinson and Lester took one while Harman stood pat. Both times Lester check-called Harman's bet.
Harman showed and Lester mucked his hand. But Wilkinson has also made a
on his last draw and thus survives with about 17,000. Meanwhile Harman has 225,000 and Lester 170,000.