Viswanathan Wanna More Chips

An early position player raised to 18,000 and it folded around to Aaron Ruppert on the button who called. The small blind stepped aside, and Manoj Viswanathan -- still busy ordering his massive chip stack after a recent table move -- called as well from the big blind.
The flop came . It checked around to Ruppert who bet 28,000, and both of Ruppert's opponents called. The turn brought the
. This time Viswanathan led with a bet of 100,000, and only Ruppert called.
The river was the . Viswanathan reached into his pile of chips and plucked out enough for a bet of 300,000, sending Ruppert deep into the tank. Finally he emerged, having convinced himself to let the hand go.
The rich get richer. Viswanathan sits with 2.27 million now -- the biggest stack in the Amazon Room at the moment -- while Ruppert presently has 510,000.