Looking in on the Secondary Feature Table

Level 21
: 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Over on the secondary feature table, David Barter has continued to enjoy a successful Day 5, moving his stack up over the 2.5 million-chip mark. Stefan Huber has also done well for himself today, presently sitting with more than 1.7 million.
Meanwhile, start-of-day chip leader Manoj Viswanathan has continued his slide, and comes back from the second break to a stack of about 560,000.
Ray Henson came back to a shorter stack -- just 220,000 -- and just now put it all at risk with versus Barter's
. The board came
, and Henson doubled back to about 450,000. Barter still has a healthy stack of 2.32 million.