WSOP TD Jack Effel is Here to Listen

The structure sheet for this event called for an 11 level day. Hopes were high that the event would attract 1,500 players or more and would require an extra level of play.
After returning from the dinner break Tournament Supervisor reminded the field that the plan was to stick to the structure sheet despite having under 1,000 players.
As of the time of publishing this post the field is just 27 players shy of the money bubble. No one had expected the tournament to go so fast.
One of poker's bright young stars, and a blogger's favorite is Dan O'Brien. He sent a tweet to WSOP TD Jack Effel asking if the field could just play the ten levels.

DanOBrienPoker Dan O'Brien Please @wsoptd, give Steve Frezer a call and give him the power to stop #wsop49 after 10 levels. Will be itm and we all wanna get some sleep
June 27 2012
Not ten minutes later an announcement was made that the schedule would be changed after Effel called Frezer. Not a single player in the room was unhappy to hear that news.