Nguyen vs Reparejo

Level 17
: 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Hand #6
David Luttbeg raised to 26,000 and all players but Marcin Sobczak in the big blind folded. On the flop, Sobczak check-folded when Luttbeg made it 47,000 to go.
Hand #7
Brian Wong raised to 70,000 and that scared off all opponents. He raked in the blinds and ante.
Hand #8
Charles Nguyen raised to 20,000 from the small blind and one seat over, Roland Reparejo made the call. On the flop, Nguyen continued for 40,000 and Reparejo called. Both then checked the
turn before Nguyen check-folded the
river after his opponent had bet big.