Hands #36-40: Helppi Takes a Couple
Level 23
: 25,000/50,000, 0 ante

Hand #36: Justin Thurlow opened the cutoff and Juha Helppi called. On the flop, it went check-call and then there was no further betting on the
turn or the river and Helppi took the pot with
Hand #37: Yaser Al-Keliddar opened the button and everyone folded.
Hand #38: Helppi opened the button and Andrew Yip called the big blind but check-folded on the flop.
Hand #39: Helppi opened the cutoff and Justin Thurlow three-bet the button. On the flop, there was a bet and a call. On the
turn, there was a check and Helppi bet 50,000, which Yip folded to.
Hand #40: Yip opened the button and Al-Keliddar three-bet the small blind. Yip called, and it fell . Al-Keliddar bet and Yip folded.