Hands #36-41: Short Stack Shoves and Huge Stack Shoves (No Calls)

Hand #36: Jean-Ren�� Fontaine moved all in preflop for 12,800,000 small blind on big and Jim McNurlan declined to put him at risk.
Hand #37: Fontaine moved all in again, for a little more now: 14,000,000, uncalled.
Hand #38: Fontaine sat the next one out; small blind Richardson raised to 1,400,000, picking up Mash's big blind and ante.
Hand #39: McNurlan, first to act, made it 2,400,000. Richardson called on the button. Flop: . McNurlan check-folded to Richardson's bet of 3,000,000.
Hand #40: Mash raised to 1,500,000, called by big blind McNurlan. Both players checked the flop, then the
turn saw McNurlan bet out 3,000,000. There was no further betting on the
river and Mash took the pot (cards unseen).
Hand #41: Small blind McNurlan raised to 3,000,000, called by big blind Richardson. The flop came down and it all broke loose. McNurlan led out for 7,000,000 and Richardson raised all in - a mighty shove of 31,700,000 from the only player capable of threatening McNurlan's tournament life. He folded.