Damian SalasManuel RuivoHannes Speiser Damian SalasRamon Miquel MunozDominykas MikolaitisHannes SpeiserHannes SpeiserHannes SpeiserHannes Speiser2020 World Series of Poker seatdraw 2020 World Series of Poker seatdraw 2020 World Series of Poker seatdraw 2020 World Series of Poker seatdraw 2020 World Series of Poker seatdraw 2020 World Series of Poker seatdraw Damian Salas Damian Salas Damian Salas Damian Salas Marco StredaWSOP 2020 international FTWSOP 2020 international FTWSOP 2020 international FTWSOP 2020 main event final tableWSOP 2020 main event final tableWSOP 2020 main event final tableWSOP 2020 main event final tableWSOP 2020 main event final tableStoyan ObreshkovStoyan ObreshkovStoyan ObreshkovRamon Miquel MunozRamon Miquel MunozMarco StredaMarco StredaMarco StredaManuel RuivoManuel RuivoDamian SalasManuel RuivoDamian SalasBrunno BotteonBrunno BotteonBrunno BotteonBrunno Botteon2020 GGPoker $10,000 WSOP Main Event Final TableThomas "ggmbn" Macdonald Eliminated in 10th Placefullbabyfull doubles through BotteonMikolaitis vs Botton Part IIISenthuran Vijayaratnam Eliminated in 11th PlaceMiquel Munoz Doubles Through Ruivofullbabyfull doubles through Vijayaratnamfullbabyfull doubles through MikolaitisSun doubles through MikolaitisMikolaitis vs Botteonfullbabyfull doubles through BotteonVijayaratnam doubles through fullbabyfullBotteon vs SunBotteon doubles through VijayaratnamVijayaratnam doubles through fullbabyfullSun doubles through VijayaratnamMikolaitis Doubles Through BotteonCarter Swidler Eliminated in 12th PlaceChristopher Puetz Eliminated in 13th PlaceBorisLeBlade eliminated in 14th PlaceSun Doubles Through SwidlerMacdonald doubles through PuetzMikolaitis Doubles Through SwidlerEvaldas Aniulis Eliminated in 15th PlaceAniulis vs BotteonSwidler vs AniulisQuads for SalasObreshkov vs SalasFazel Dawood Eliminated in 16th PlaceMacdonald vs DawoodVijayaratnam Doubles Through MikolaitisDiego Zeiter Eliminated in 18th Placesunnyzyang1982 Eliminated in 17th Placet0602 Eliminated in 19th PlaceStas Tishkevich Eliminated in 20th Place