2023 World Series of Poker

Event #76: $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,250,000 / 2,500,000
Players Info - Day 5
Players Left

Gabriel Runs Into Teltscher's Kings

Level 25 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Thomas Gabriel
Thomas Gabriel

Thomas Gabriel moved all in for 710,000 from middle position and Mark Teltscher called in the cutoff.

Thomas Gabriel: A?8?
Mark Teltscher: K?K?

Teltscher had woken up with kings and left Gabriel drawing to running cards on the K?5?6? flop with top set. The 9? turn gave Gabriel some hope with a straight draw, but the 3? river was no harm to Teltscher who sent Gabriel to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Teltscher gb
Mark Teltscher
Thomas Gabriel us
Thomas Gabriel

Tags: Thomas GabrielMark Teltscher

Obregon, Hall, and Hulme Lead on Final Break

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Bryan Obregon
Bryan Obregon

Upon completion of the fourth level on Day 5, just 174 players remain and they have been sent on the final 20-minute break of the night. Three players have reached eight figures as Bryan Obregon, Zachary Hall and Andrew Hulme have built up big stacks in pursuit of a deep run.

Highlights of level 24 can be found below. Action resumes after a 20-minute break and the blinds for the final level will be 30,000-60,000 with a big blind ante of 60,000.

Tags: Andrew HulmeBryan ObregonZachary Hall

Dunst and Spanne Chop 10 Million Chip Pot

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Tony Dunst
Tony Dunst

Tony Dunst opened 110,000 in the cutoff and Joey Spanne three-bet 250,000 on the button. Dunst put in a four-bet to 1,000,000 and Spanne made the call.

The dealer spread a flop of 7?6?2?, and Dunst continued for 550,000. Spanne called.

The 8? fell on the turn, and Dunst didn't slow down firing a bet of 1,250,000. Spanne matched the bet.

When the 5? completed the board, Dunst eyed up Spanne's stack and announced all-in. Spanne had 2,650,000 remaining and tanked for about three minutes before making the call.

Dunst tabled A?A?, and Spanne tabled the other two aces, showing A?A?.

Player Chips Progress
Tony Dunst us
Tony Dunst
WSOP 3X Winner
Joey Spanne us
Joey Spanne

Tags: Joey SpanneTony Dunst

Vampan Gets Outrageous Bluff Through

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Toby Lewis opened to 100,000 from under the gun and was called by Daniel Vampan in the cutoff as well as Nicholas Rigby in the small blind and Ryan Brown in the big blind.

All four players checked through the 5?6?Q? flop to the 10? turn at which point Rigby led out for 325,000. That got a quick fold from Brown but Lewis made the call. Vampan then decided to raise to 750,000, forcing Rigby out of the hand with Lewis flatting.

Lewis checked after the 5? completed the board. Vampan thought for a few moments and then pulled the trigger by moving all in for 2,285,000, about a pot sized bet. That sent Lewis deep into the tank as he pondered his decision for well over five minutes. At long last, he relinquished his A?10? holding but was shown the bad news after Vampan turned over 8?7? for the missed straight draw. "I'm a monster" Vampan shouted as he went to share a beer with his rail.

Player Chips Progress
Ryan Brown us
Ryan Brown
Toby Lewis gb
Toby Lewis
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Vampan us
Daniel Vampan
WSOP 1X Winner
Nicholas Rigby us
Nicholas Rigby
Day 1D Chip Leader

Tags: Daniel VampanNicholas RigbyRyan BrownToby Lewis

No Back to Back for Duek

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Michael Duek
Michael Duek

Michael Duek, who finished in third place in last year's main event, opened to 65,000 from middle position and was called by Bradley Moskowitz in the big blind.

Moskowitz led into Duek for 65,000 on the K?10?6? flop and Duek made the call.

The turn was the 3?. Moskowitz bet 400,000. Once again Duek made the call.

On the 7? river Moskowitz moved all in for approximately 1,900,000, slightly covering Duek.

After roughly three minutes Duek made the call, putting himself at risk. Duek showed down K?J? for a flopped top pair which could not beat Moskowitz' K?10? for flopped two pair. Duek's deep run came to an end just a few days short of making back to back final tables while Moskowitz received a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Bradley Moskowitz us
Bradley Moskowitz
Michael Duek ar
Michael Duek

Tags: Bradley MoskowitzMichael Duek

Johnson Shoves, Salsberg Tanks to Hawkins' Reshove

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Charles Johnson
Charles Johnson

Charles Johnson moved all in for 900,000 from middle position before Maurice Hawkins reshoved on the button. Matt Salsberg in the big blind tanked for several minutes as he considered the decision for his last 850,000. The clock was eventually called and Salsberg folded, claiming to have ace-king.

Charles Johnson: A?J?
Maurice Hawkins: A?K?

"I figured you had ace-king," Johnson told Hawkins heading to the 10?A?8? flop, which gave both players top pair but Hawkins remained in the lead with his king-kicker. The board ran out 4?5? and Johnson was eliminated.

Johnson accidentally stepped on the water bottle of tablemate Jan-Peter Jachtmann as he prepared to make his exit, spilling water all over the table.

"Water bomb," the good-natured Johnson said as he and Hawkins exchanged a fist bump.

Player Chips Progress
Maurice Hawkins us
Maurice Hawkins
Day 2D Chip Leader
Matt Salsberg ca
Matt Salsberg
Charles Johnson us
Charles Johnson

Tags: Charles JohnsonMatt SalsbergMaurice Hawkins

She Takes Out He

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Charles He
Charles He

On the secondary feature table, Nikita Luther and Charles He got in a preflop raising war which ended with He being all in and at risk for around 1,500,000.

Charles He: AxKx
Nikita Luther: 8x8x

The flop came KxQxJx and He took the lead with a pair of kings. A Qx on the turn changed nothing but it was an 8x on the river that gave Luther the best hand and brought out some emotion.

"That never happens to me!" Luther exclaimed as she stacked the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Nikita Luther in
Nikita Luther
WSOP 1X Winner
Charles He us
Charles He

Tags: Charles HeNikita Luther

Obregon Keeps Adding Chips

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Bryan Obregon
Bryan Obregon

Bryan Obregon and Pier Papadia were heads up on a flop of K?A?8?. A massive pot of 800,000 had already been amassed and Obregon , from the big blind, check-called a 250,000 bet from Papadia from middle position.

The J? turn and J? river were then checked down and Obregon tabled A?K? for two pair, aces and kings. Papadia did not have something that could beat it and mucked his cards.

One hand later, it folded to Obregon in the small blind and he put big blind David Mzareulov all in for 775,000. Mzareulov folded and Obregon stacked up some more chips.

Player Chips Progress
Bryan Obregon us
Bryan Obregon
Pier Papadia it
Pier Papadia
David Mzareulov us
David Mzareulov
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Bryan ObregonDavid MzareulovPier Papadia

Rigby Finds a Double

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Nicholas Rigby opened to 225,000 from middle position and then called after Ryan Brown three-bet to 625,000 from late position.

Rigby checked on the 5?Q?3? flop. Brown decided to put his opponent all in and Rigby, with a "well guys if this is it it's been a hell of a run" to his rail made the call for his tournament life.

Nicholas Rigby: A?Q?
Ryan Brown: A?J?

Rigby held a commanding lead but the 10? turn did give Brown a gutshot. It did not come in, however, on the 4? river as Rigby raked in the chips in his quest to rebuild the big stack he had earlier in the day.

Player Chips Progress
Ryan Brown us
Ryan Brown
Nicholas Rigby us
Nicholas Rigby
Day 1D Chip Leader

Tags: Nicholas RigbyRyan Brown

Kitai Finds a Double

Level 24 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Davidi Kitai
Davidi Kitai

Davidi Kitai was seen all in for his last 324,000 and it was Kunal Shah trying to end his tournament life as both cards were face up.

Davidi Kitai: 9?9?
Kunal Shah: K?10?

The board ran out A?J?4?J?6?, for Kitai's nines to hold as he raked in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Kunal Shah us
Kunal Shah
Davidi Kitai be
Davidi Kitai
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Davidi KitaiKunal Shah