2024 World Series of Poker

Event #22: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw (6-Handed)
Day: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
200,000 / 400,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Kanai Gets Value from Eight

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante

Yuichi Kanai raised from the button and Aaron Cummings defended the big blind.

Cummings drew two and Kanai drew one. Cummings check-called a bet from Kanai.

Both players took one on the second draw, and Cummings check-called another bet.

On the final draw, Cummings drew one and Kanai stood pat. Cummings check-called for a third time and immediately got the bad news as Kanai had made 8x7x6x4x3x to win the pot and extend his lead.

Player Chips Progress
Yuichi Kanai jp
Yuichi Kanai
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Aaron CummingsYuichi Kanai

The Battle Rages

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante

Yuichi Kanai raised on the button and in the big blind, Aaron Cummings called.

Both players drew three, with Cummings taking the betting lead on the first round and Kanai called.

On the second draw, both players drew two with Cummings betting once more and Kanai raised which Cummings called.

The final draw saw Cummings stand pat and Kanai drew one. Both players checked and Cummings showed 8?7?5?3?2? for an eight-seven which was good for the pot to bring the two stacks closer to even.

Player Chips Progress
Yuichi Kanai jp
Yuichi Kanai
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Aaron CummingsYuichi Kanai

Cummings Gets There on Final Draw

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante

Yuichi Kanai raised the button and Aaron Cummings called from the big blind.

Both drew two cards, and Cummings led with a bet which was called.

Cummings drew one while Kanai drew two and called a bet.

On the final draw, Cummings took one while Kanai stood pat. Cummings led for a third time which Kanai called. Cummings showed 7x6x5x4x2x for #4 which was more than enough to take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Yuichi Kanai jp
Yuichi Kanai
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Aaron CummingsYuichi Kanai

An Even Race

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante

Yuichi Kanai raised on the button and in the big blind, Aaron Cummings called.

Cummings drew three while Kanai drew two and Cummings checked over to Kanai who bet and Cummings raised, which saw Kanai call.

The second draw saw Cummings stand pat while Kanai drew one and Cummings bet, getting a quick call from Kanai.

On the final draw, Cummings stood pat and Kanai drew one with the action checking through on the river.

Kanai tabled 9?7?6?4?3? for a nine-seven which was good for the pot and the race came to a much closer spot then it had initially.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuichi Kanai jp
Yuichi Kanai

Tags: Aaron CummingsYuichi Kanai

Kanai Bluff-Catches with Queen

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante

Aaron Cummings opened the button and Yuichi Kanai defended the big blind.

Kanai drew two and Cummings drew three. Kanai led with a bet which was called.

Both took one on the second draw, and the action went check-check.

Both drew one again, Kanai checked, Cummings bet, and Kanai went deep into the tank. He eventually winced and tossed in calling chips. He immediately got the good news as Cummings turned over 8x7x6x5x4x for a straight. Kanai then revealed Qx9x8x3x2x which was good

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuichi Kanai jp
Yuichi Kanai

Tags: Aaron CummingsYuichi Kanai

Cummings Draws First Blood In Heads Up

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante

Aaron Cummings raised on the button and Yuichi Kanai called in the big blind.

Both players drew two and Kanai checked over to Cummings who bet and Kanai called.

On the second draw, both players drew one and Kanai took the betting lead with Cummings calling.

The final draw saw both players stand pat and Cummings tabled 9?8?7?5?2? for a nine-eight which was good for the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuichi Kanai jp
Yuichi Kanai

Tags: Aaron CummingsYuichi Kanai

Alexander Wilkinson Eliminated in 3rd Place ($64,256)

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante
Alexander Wilkinson
Alexander Wilkinson

Alexander Wilkinson opened the button and Aaron Cummings called from the small blind.

Cummings drew one and Wilkinson drew two. Wilkinson bet all-in for 75,000 and Cummings called.

Cummings took two and Wilkinson drew one.

Both players drew one on the final draw.

Alexander Wilkinson: 6x5x4x3xXx All in
Aaron Cummings: 7x4x3x2xXx

Cummings flipped his card first, and he caught the 7? to pair his hand. Wilkinson however, caught the 7? to make a straight and he was eliminated in 3rd place.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Alexander Wilkinson us
Alexander Wilkinson

Tags: Aaron CummingsAlexander Wilkinson

Wilkinson Loses A Big One To Cummings

Level 32 : Limits 150,000/300,000, 0 ante

Alexander Wilkinson raised in the small blind and in the big blind, Aaron Cummings three-bet. Wilkinson four-bet and Cummings five-bet it to cap.

Wilkinson drew one and Cummings stood pat which saw Wilkinson check-call a bet from Cummings.

Both stood pat and checked through on the following round.

On the final draw, both stood pat and Wilkinson bet which Cummings called.

"Eight-seven perfect," said Willkinson, about to table his hand.

"No good," replied Cummings as he fanned 7?6?5?4?2? for number four which was good for the pot as Wilkinson fell below five big bets.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Alexander Wilkinson us
Alexander Wilkinson

Tags: Aaron CummingsAlexander Wilkinson