Kiley Takes The Pot

Level 7
Limit Flop: 600-1,200, 1,200-2,400 Limits
Stud Games: 300-1,200, 1,200-2,400 Limits, 300 Ante
Stud Games: 300-1,200, 1,200-2,400 Limits, 300 Ante
Nick Kiley: 7?4?8?/ A?5?8?J?
Denis Strebkov: XxXxXx/ 6?7?J?2?
Opponent: XxXxXx/ A?A?10?9? folded on sixth street
A player completed the action, when Nick Kiley raised. Denis Strebkov then three-bet, and both the player who completed the action and Kiley called.
After fourth street Kiley led out for a bet, and Strebkov raised. Both players made the call.
On fifth street Kiley again led out for a bet, and both players called.
On sixth street after Kiley bet, Strebkov called. and the other opponent in the pot folded.
After seventh street Kiley again bet and was called by Strebkov. Kiley tabled eight-seven-five-four-ace and after Strebkov mucked, Kiley took in the pot.
Player | Chips | Progress |
![]() |
45,500 | |
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-10,100 |