Craig Marquis - 9th place
Darus Suharto has the button in Seat 5. Action folds to Craig Marquis in middle position, who open-shoves for 4.925 million. Scott Montgomery calls, drawing a gasp from the crowd. There are still three players behind Montgomery (and for what it's worth, Kelly Kim, who has less than 1 million chips again, is on his feet).
Everyone else folds, and the hands are opened.
Marquis is the all-in player and has a slight EV advantage. The dealer spreads the flop. It's a in the door, followed by the ... followed by the ! Montgomery hits top pair, but Marquis manages to find bottom set. Only running cards stand between Montgomery and a double-up.
The first runner comes on the turn -- the makes Marquis sweat. Any king on the river will make a Broadway straight for Montgomery. A hush descends in the Penn & Teller Theater. "Let's see the river card," says TD Jack Effel.
A roar from the crowd as Montgomery completes the runner-runner Broadway straight to take out Marquis! Marquis is visibly stunned, but graciously shakes Montgomery's proffered hand. He will be the only player to leave today's final table without any additional cash as he is eliminated in ninth place.
Players are on a short break as Craig Marquis gives his bust-out interview to ESPN.