Karl Who?

If you're not a devoted follower of the UK poker scene, you might find the name Karl Mahrenholz somewhat unfamiliar - he hasn't really made the sort of impressive splash overseas that some other young British players - for instance, James Dempsey and Richard Ashby at this summer's WSOP - have.
Nevertheless, tallest man in the room (seriously - he's seven foot tall by our reckoning) "The Mantis" as they call him has been getting along very nicely in the world of professional poker. He took down a GUKPT title in 2009, and the same year he came 13th in this event, the WSOPE Pot Limit Omaha. 2010 has not been a very good year for Mahrenholz so far, but that could possibly change today if he can join the exclusive club of WSOPE bracelet winners.
Along with brothers Sunny and Chaz Chattha, and the rather more familiar two-time bracelet winner Praz Bansi and 2009 November Niner James Akenhead, Mahrenholz is a member of the fabled Hit Squad. Whatever happens to Mahrenholz, we fully expect the Saturday night railers to turn out in force.