Akenhead Needs a Medic

Just moments before players dispersed for the break, Nenad Medic was treated to a double up courtesy of the American Airlines.
Although, at first glance, it looked like a simple 'raise, three-bet, all in on flop' affair, table mate Ludovic Lacay elaborated on the intricacies of how the hand developed.
According to the Frenchman, Heather Sue Mercer opened the hijack, Medic called in the cut-off, McLean Karr called on the button and James Akenhead three-bet the small blind.
Back round to Mercer who folded, leading to calls from the other two players.
On the flop, Akenhead led, Medic moved all in, Karr folded and Akenhead called.
On their backs:
Akenhead - 29,000
Medic - 45,000