Noble Poker/ Freeroll a smashing success.

The first in a series of Freeroll tournaments took place today at Noble Poker.
Players were given a 30-day window to join Noble Poker through our special link at Players that took the plunge were eligible for entry into a $5,000 freeroll tournament. The tournament was today, and many players entered, and had a great time. Those who signed up had a chance to play with professional poker player, and Pokernews writer Tony G, in addition to other (better looking) Pokernews writers, such as myself. This was one of the largest pure freeroll tournaments to date on the internet (no number of hands played requirement) and it was a resounding success.
Some of the Pokernews writers had better luck than others, as Tony G got unlucky, and only was able to last to 47th place. Two Pokernews writers made the top 5, as Mr Moves finished third, and yours truly finished fifth. At the end of the day , though, it was the Pokernews readers who were supreme, as Matty82 finished first, and took down the $1,250 first prize. Not bad for 3 hours work on a Sunday.
We would like to thank the fine folks at Noble Poker who were kind enough to sponsor this freeroll tournament. We here at Pokernews strive to bring our readers the best information on online poker, as well as the best online poker values across the web. Look for many more of these types of tournaments in the future, and we thank the Pokernews readers for making this event a success.
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