Launches Dedicated UK Site opened it's new UK PokerNews website today. Dedicated to the huge British poker player market, the site promises up to the minute news and a host of other goodies.
After extending their reach to several countries, including Russia and Japan, Poker News proudly opened their UK portal today. The website promises to deliver a fresh approach to the British poker news scene. Exclusive interviews with the big names, all the up to date news from the UK, unique bonuses for UK players only and special promotions, are some of the items on the agenda.
Regular contributor and UK player, Paul Sandells, will be taking charge of the website. "I'm delighted to see the website up and running. It has been a long time in the making but the technical guys have been working flat out to get it ready" said Paul, he continued, "This is a huge challenge for me, bigger than any I've faced at the poker table, but I'm looking forward to providing British players with the best news coverage possible. I have a great team behind me with years of experience."
British players, Tony Bromham and Ladbrokes sponsored Roy 'The Boy' Brindley, will be making regular contributions alongside a host of other writers, including a mystery card room manager. "Our card room manager will give us all the latest from the poker room's point of view. The inside information and gossip from our anonymous man will be great reading" said Paul. CEO John Caldwell had this to say about the addition to the PokerNews realm. "I think the U.K. may be the most exciting market in the world right now with respect to its potential for online poker, and poker in general. Poker is as hot in the U.K. as anywhere in the world, and I am excited to launch the latest in our line of dedicated news sites for our U.K. readers".
Poker News is one of the largest growing poker communities on the internet. Now covering nine countries, Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Russia, Australia, China, Japan and the United Kingdom alongside the American, and worldwide coverage from flagship site