Ashton Griffin wins!Scott SeiverAshton GriffinDealer counting down the stacks at breakAshton Griffin dozing off between handsAshton Griffin catching a mid-hand napAshton Griffin and Hoyt CorkinsJoe CassidyJoe CassidyJoe CassidyAshton GriffinHoyt CorkinsAshton GriffinHoyt CorkinsAshton GriffinBrett RicheyHoyt CorkinsBrett Richey looking up at the screenHoyt CorkinsChipsChipsBrett Richey catching some rest on breakScott Seiver enjoying some ice cream on breakAshton GriffinAshton GriffinSeiver's bounty chipsBrett RicheyBrett RicheyBrett RicheyPeter Eastgate and Scott SeiverPeter EastgateEastgate doesn't like what he seesFaraz Jaka and Peter EastgatePeter EastgateHoyt CorkinsHoyt CorkinsHoyt CorkinsHoyt CorkinsJoe CassidyJoe CassidyFaraz JakaHoyt CorkinsJoe CassidyScott SeiverPeter EastgateScott SeiverChipsAshton Griffin napping on breakChipsHigh Roller TrophyHoyt CorkinsScott SeiverPeter EastgateJoe CassidyHoyt Corkins and a fanFaraz JakaBrett RicheyAshton GriffinScott SeiverPeter EastgatePeter Eastgate and Scott SeiverJoe CassidyHoyt CorkinsFaraz JakaBrett RicheyAshton GriffinFinal TableBrett RicheyChris MoneymakerHasan HabibJoe SebokAlex KamberisHigh Roller Shootout bracket